North Miami Beach Restoration Expert - Mold Remediation


Usually after a flood, a common symptom is mold growth. While mold spores are always present in the environment, dampness and moisture in the property can make them proliferate and grow to high levels. When left unchecked, mold can spread rapidly, causing major health hazards to the inhabitants including respiratory problems, headaches, skin irritation and allergies.

Mold growth needs to be halted right at the start so that it does not blow out of proportion. The only thing that can help is timely mold remediation. It can help avoid expensive repairs and curb the growth of the worst form of contamination. If you detect signs of mold growth in your property, call North Miami Beach Restoration Expert at 786-353-3912. We have a team of expert professionals on board. They are available round the clock in North Miami Beach, FL area, and can come whenever you call them and save your property from damage.

Pro-active resolution of mold

North Miami Beach Restoration Expert North Miami Beach, FL 786-353-3912If you can see visible mold growth, call us right away to take a look at it and contain its growth. Mold also grows in wall cavities and hidden spaces. If mold growth is not visible, you can still detect it through strange smelling odors. Some homeowners simply wash the affected areas and cover it with paint. This does not solve the problem. Mold continues to grow and can lead to further damage. Ignoring the issue not is the worst thing you can do. In our years of experience, we have witnessed the dangers of letting mold grow unchecked and the extent of damage that it has caused to property and the inhabitants.

The best way to solve the issue of mold growth is to let a professional remove all signs of growth. This is where we can help you. We have handled hundreds of such cases before and are well-versed with what exactly to do to solve the problem. It is often impossible for a layman to deal with mold growth. Apart from advanced knowledge on how to deal with it, we also have sophisticated tools with us that enable us to offer the best results.

 Here are some ways we, at North Miami Beach Restoration Expert, work to eliminate mold growth:

1) Mold clean-up

Our experts use high quality cleaners and chemicals to remove mold growth. If they find contaminated things that cannot be restored, they dispose them. A thorough cleaning, sanitization, disinfection and deodorization are done to get rid of all signs of mold growth.

2) Cutting-off moisture

To remove mold growth, it is important to get rid of moisture supply. Many mold remediation methods do not address this step. Just getting rid of mold is not enough. It is also crucial to find out the sources of water damage, set right leaks if any and reduce humidity levels.

3) Preventing reappearance

Some materials such as paper, wood and cloth are ideal places for mold growth. Using mold-resistant materials instead is a good idea. Using wood treated with anti-mold chemicals, having mold resistant insulation and using fiberglass drywall can help the property to be mold-proof.

Mold can be extremely dangerous for your property. If you are a resident of North Miami Beach, FL and find mold in your property, call us at 786-353-3912 and our experts will be at your doorstep in less than 30 minutes.